"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Directed Trusts"

Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Luncheon at San Antonio Country Club
Speaker: Gene Wolf of Kemp Smith Law Firm

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"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Directed Trusts"

Description: In the world of trusts, the concept of “directed trusts” has gained prominence. These trusts allow for a division of responsibilities between trustees and non‑trustees, granting flexibility and customization. This directed trust presentation explores the development of directed trusts, selected aspects of directed trust legislation, factors important in the selection of situs, and recommended drafting tips.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Learn the terminology of directed trusts
  • Different aspects of directed trust legislation in Texas, Delaware, Nevada and UDTA
  • Factors in the selection of sites for directed trusts
  • Drafting Tips for establishing directed Trusts
  • Prerequisites:  None
  • Experience Level: Intermediate
  • Advanced Preparation: None
  • Teaching Method: Lecture

CE Submission:

  • CLE - 1 Hour Approved 
  • CFP - 1 Hour Pending
  • CPE - 1 Hour Approved
  • CTFA - 1.25 Hours Pending

Event Information:  Registration will open at 11:30am - Program will begin at 12:00pm. 

NOTICE:  Please arrive early as the country club is under extensive renovations and parking spaces close to the front entrance may not be available.     PARKING & VALET MAP

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